19 X 13
Documentary mixed media photography
For the past several years I've become intrigued with bodypainting and the world that revolves around this art form. For centuries, mankind has utilized body paint for rituals, decoration, theatrical applications and as a celebration of the human form as a palette. I was already doing limited application on friends or models but then I met Scott Fray and Madelyn Greco who created Living Art America. They introduced me to the global family of bodypainters that careen outside reality. These photos were primarily taken at the World Bodypainting Festival in Austria and Living Art America?s events in America. I enhance each one with surface creative elements so that the embellishments accelerate the viewers? concentration on details.
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Documentary mixed media photography
For the past several years I've become intrigued with bodypainting and the world that revolves around this art form. For centuries, mankind has utilized body paint for rituals, decoration, theatrical applications and as a celebration of the human form as a palette. I was already doing limited application on friends or models but then I met Scott Fray and Madelyn Greco who created Living Art America. They introduced me to the global family of bodypainters that careen outside reality. These photos were primarily taken at the World Bodypainting Festival in Austria and Living Art America?s events in America. I enhance each one with surface creative elements so that the embellishments accelerate the viewers? concentration on details.
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